2 old servers that have been unauthorized (DC01 and DC02). 1 server 2012 with DHCP installed, but not configured (DC04). 1 server 2012 handing out DHCP for the entire environment (DC03). Check and ensure that only your new server is handing out addresses at this point. #DHCP UNAUTHORIZE THE PARAMETER IS INCORRECT WINDOWS#
I like to use a tool like MS Windows dhcploc.exe or netscan to check and ensure that I don't have rogue DHCP servers. (if you had it set on your old DHCP then it will have migrated with the import) I always like having conflict detection, so ensure this is on. EDIT: You can also modify the xml file the same way you did for the leases to include the new exclusion ranges. I had my new single scope exclusions already written down so that I could just delete all the old exclusions and re-enter the new ones. Go into your scopes and "merge" your scope exclusions. Right click DHCP and Manage Authorized Servers and check that the list is correct. In a pinch you can also shutdown the DHCP Server service. In one case I did the unauthorize from the server directly or simply waited a couple minutes then closed / reopened and did it again. I found that it still worked if I closed the mmc and reopened. You may get a parameter error when unauthorizing servers. In the DHCP mmc "unauthorize" the server for DC01 and DC02. On DC03 run: Import-DhcpServer -ComputerName DC03 -Leases -File C:\export\dhcpDC01.xml -Verbose. I pasted mine after the last DC01 lease, but just before the tag. In the DC01 xml file paste these leases into the section. Remove any leases that are from reservations if you have any, otherwise they will be duplicates. Make sure you get both the starting and ending / tags for each active lease. On the DC02 xml file copy from the first (note that I dropped the "s") down to the last Lease section. This is the begining section for all your leases. #DHCP UNAUTHORIZE THE PARAMETER IS INCORRECT FULL#
These xml files have the full DHCP config for your old server, we need to combine the leases so that when you import all of the leases get combined.Open both xml files with notepad (I prefer Notepad++).Export-DhcpServer -ComputerName DC02 -Leases -File C:\export\dhcpDC02.xml -Verbose.Export-DhcpServer -ComputerName DC01 -Leases -File C:\export\dhcpDC01.xml -Verbose.On DC03 right click, run as administrator on Powershell.Add the DHCP role to both of your new servers.
I'll refer to the old servers as DC01 and DC02 I wanted to pull the leases off both servers and combine them and then make the DHCP servers failover with hot standby. In my case I migrated off 2 Windows 2008 R2 servers with split scopes. Not a big deal, but this is easy and causes one less call to IT - I'm all for less calls. I decided not to use conflict detection this time around as last time I did this some users got a popup about their IP expiring, this caused a call to IT to tell them to restart. (note, you can also just set conflict detection and then unauthorize the old servers and let it all sort itself out).
This is a very easy process and requires minimal work. I'm writing this, because I didn't find a lot about migrating from multiple DHCP servers with split scopes to a single 2012 with failover and bringing the leases along with. Microsofts own blog is an excellent reference.
There are already several excellent posts out there about how to migrate to Windows 2012 DHCP.